4 Key Lessons in Gen Z Marketing to Implement in 2023

Like the Millennial and Baby Boomer generations that came before them, marketing to Gen Z customers requires a fresh approach.

8 min readMar 28, 2023

Every day, Generation Z makes headlines for the ways they’re doing life differently than their parents and grandparents. This population cohort was born between 1996 and 2012, and seems to take a different stance on everything from work culture and dating life, to pressing social issues like climate change. And it’s easy to see why when you consider the world they’ve grown up in.

Unlike Millennials, these “digital natives” have never known life before the internet. Gen Zers have been online since childhood, scrolling their smartphones, browsing eCommerce sites and posting on social media from a young age. Known for their radical inclusivity and progressive nature, they’re the most racially and ethnically diverse generation ever, and are also on track to become the most educated yet.

Having grown up with unlimited access to information at their fingertips (and in the midst of a housing boom), this thrifty generation is surprisingly conscious about their finances. Not only are Gen Zers more open to talking about personal finances than their generational counterparts, but they also pay attention to topics like investing, cryptocurrency and real estate at a younger age. This translates to a group of savvy consumers who tend to take the time to evaluate all their options before committing to a purchase.

Millennials might be the current largest group of consumers, and Baby Boomers have the most money to spend, but Gen Zers are quickly catching up. These young professionals and students have a reported $360 billion in disposable income according to Bloomberg — a number that’s only going to increase as time goes on.

The problem? It’s become clear that traditional marketing methods aren’t resonating with Gen Z customers. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to marketing — and engaging these young adults has proven to be tricky as they give attention and spend money differently than previous generations.

It’s important to understand how this demographic thinks and what will appeal to them in order to resonate with them. So where do we start when it comes to marketing to Gen Z customers? Here are four key lessons in Gen Z marketing that your brand can implement in 2023.

Prioritize Engaging Digital Experiences

It should come as no surprise that Gen Zers are incredibly tech-savvy and spend vast amounts of time online each day. However, they’re also distinct from other generations in their use of technology and approach to consuming media. They prefer to interact on their smartphones, devour short-form video content and have shorter attention spans, meaning it should be a priority to provide engaging digital experiences to Gen Z customers.

How do you do this? First, ensure that your online channels are designed with mobile devices in mind. Clunky and outdated online experiences are big turn-offs for this mobile-first generation of consumers, so make sure that all your digital touchpoints are covered. Your website should be easy to navigate, your social media accounts should incorporate vertical content formats and email newsletters should feel intuitive on mobile devices.

When it comes to content creation, make sure yours is entertaining and grabs attention right away. Gen Zers have an uncanny ability to filter content. They’re bombarded with thousands of messages each day, and with their shorter attention spans, you have an instant to tell them why they should care before they move on. Your content creation strategies should be informed by their appetite for short-form video content and popularity of visual platforms like TikTok. So keep it short and sweet for this content-hungry generation of customers.

It can also help your brand to experiment with more interactive content. Gen Zers crave genuine connection and personalized experiences — not stale, mass-produced ones. Younger customers want to do something — tap, swipe, click — when they land on your content. So anything you can do to encourage interaction or conversation is a massive plus among Gen Z consumers (and it’s also highly effective in encouraging customers to make purchasing decisions).

For those who want to take it a step further, gamification is another powerful tool that many brands from Nike to Starbucks are implementing to level up their digital experiences for their Gen Z audience. The idea is to provide shoppers with an interactive and enjoyable experience, which can take the form of collecting tokens, maintaining streaks, unlocking badges, or spinning a wheel for exclusive rewards.

Your Brand Identity & Personality Matters

When it comes to speaking to Gen Zers, it’s more important than ever to first establish a strong brand identity. These young adults put their money where their mouth is. Gen Zers are much more inclined to vote with their dollars, and believe a brand’s values are a reflection of their own. Also known as belief-driven buying, it’s very important for these young customers to support companies that share similar values to them and care about the same causes. In many cases, Gen Zers even expect their favorite brands to be drivers of social change, and stances on fair labor practices, inclusivity and sustainability have become the standard.

Before committing to a purchase, Gen Z consumers will absolutely do their research on a brand — diving into the website, scrolling through social media accounts, and reading comments and reviews. Brand trust is only second to price in terms of determining what brands they choose to support, and over half of adult Gen Zers say they’re willing to pay a premium for brands that earn their trust and improve the world, according to Edelman.

As such, it’s essential to clearly establish your brand’s values and mission in order to resonate with this demographic of consumers. Don’t be afraid to make waves. Gen Zers gravitate towards brands that are bold, have a strong voice, and embody a distinct personality. Keep it real, fun and authentic. Take a stand on issues that matter to your brand and showcase your human side through authentic interactions and ongoing conversations that don’t sound too “suit-and-tie” in nature. Throw out any templates scripts and instead focus on deeply understanding your audience and what matters to them.

Transparency & Accountability Are Non-Negotiable

As we move from the era of distrust, consumer demand for transparency and accountability has skyrocketed. Be clear, open and honest in all your communications because Gen Zers need to first trust your brand in order to do business with you. Your brand’s credibility is very important for the next generation of consumers, making transparency and accountability across all initiatives an essential part of your Gen Z marketing playbook.

Today’s consumers aren’t afraid to boycott brands with shady or unethical practices (or publicly shame those who do). But even if your brand doesn’t fall into this category, getting ahead of the curve and setting transparency standards can lead to massive gains in brand equity, consumer trust and long-term customer loyalty. This is an opportunity to show new and existing Gen Z consumers that you have their best interests at heart and aren’t only after their dollars. This could include everything from being transparent about your collection of first-party data (and how you intend to use your customers’ data) and the process by which you ethically source your materials, to owning employee mishaps before they become a viral PR nightmare.

It’s also worth noting that it’s not only about releasing a nice-sounding personal statement from the CEO. Equally important is that you practice what you preach and genuinely show actionable steps to improvement. Consumers have called out brands for not upholding the standards they’ve been communicating, so it’s essential to back up everything you say with firm action.

It’s less about being perfect and more about your willingness to have honest and open conversations with your community. This is especially important given the amplified voice of today’s consumers to quickly call out major issues from a brand. Companies are constantly under the microscope, and lying or covering up any issues can be far more damaging to your brand reputation than simply owning any mistakes from the beginning. In fact, 89% of American consumers said that a business can regain their trust if it admits to a mistake and is transparent about the steps it will take to resolving the issue according to a survey by Sprout Social.

Brands can temporarily ignore the call for transparency and accountability, or get ahead of the curve now and build lasting trust and credibility with the next generation of consumers.

Connect in Meaningful Ways Through Your Brand Community

There’s a lot of talk about Gen Z being the lonliest generation in America. Whether it’s the lasting legacy of pandemic social restrictions, or technological divide and rise of social media, Gen Zers crave connection with like-minded individuals — and brands are in a truly unique position to help facilitate authentic connection and conversation.

Align your customer experience with Gen Z’s evolving consumer values by focusing on building a community around your brand. Many traditional engagement efforts fall flat with Gen Z customers because they constantly feel they’re being sold to. A thriving community, on the other hand, consists of genuine relationships and positive brand experiences — giving your business a way to connect with enthusiastic customers beyond just products or services.

READ MORE: Building a Brand Community Around Your eCommerce Store with Tokens

This might take the form of a special Discord channel with daily discussion around your latest collections and topics that your audience is passionate about. It could also be as simple as responding to comments on social media and giving a voice to your loyal community members. Another example might be digital and in-person events with micro-influencers who really embody your brand values and create discourse around your brand, or soliciting feedback from users to incorporate to product development. The possibilities are endless.

Say goodbye to stale corporate experiences. A brand community goes beyond 10% discounts and free shipping vouchers and instead is about creating meaningful experiences and genuine relationships with your Gen Z customers.

Connect With the Next Generation of Consumers

The importance of connecting with Gen Z customers is steadily increasing for brands in the U.S. and beyond. This demographic has different spending habits and social values — and they’re driving some of the largest behavioral and cultural shifts today.

Level up your customer acquisition, engagement and retention programs for Gen Z customers with Cultos.

