The Future is Here: 4 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Marketing

Since OpenAI dropped ChatGPT in late 2022, it’s been clear that AI is set to change the way we live and work forever — and fundamentally impact the future of industries like marketing.

6 min readAug 15, 2023

It seems like it was just yesterday that OpenAI released the beta version of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence model that provides detailed responses from user prompts and interacts in a conversational way, and the world was introduced to the first semblance of the AI revolution. Since then, AI has been one of the hottest buzzwords on the internet, driving widespread discussion across everything from stock picks to the future of programming and healthcare.

We’ve already seen that the first jobs impacted by AI were those with repetitive tasks, such as auto manufacturing and food service providers. Then AI began to deeply change a different tier of jobs: those based on problem-solving like bookkeeping and accounting. Now, we’re starting to see how AI can revolutionize marketing and creative jobs, a field that was once considered untouchable.

Take a deep breath, marketers! It’s unlikely that AI will be able to fully replace creativity in humans. Instead, AI can be considered a great aid to digital marketing teams in brands of all sizes — just like the many technological innovations that have come before it. Although it’s still in its infancy, AI is already rapidly changing the way we work, and leading brands are starting to embrace the opportunities that it brings to reach and engage customers.

Understanding the latest trends and tools is essential for any modern marketing team or business owner looking to stay ahead of the competition. Let’s discuss the ways in which AI is revolutionizing marketing — and how brands can harness its power to reduce workload and maximize efficiency.

Create Hyper-Personalized Experiences for Your Customers

You’ve probably already heard some iteration of the classic marketing rule on the importance of delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.

Personalization is a critical component of marketing. A key step in any digital strategy is to speak directly to the individual consumers that you’re trying to reach — and having a deep understanding of them is the first step in the process.

AI-powered analytics and machine learning algorithms have unlocked the potential to gather and analyze large volumes of customer data in real-time (far more quickly and efficiently than any human could). This enables your brand to gain even deeper insights into consumer behaviors, preferences and purchasing patterns on a large scale (the key to this is gathering your own consensual first-party data).

Not only can these valuable insights help you to better understand the needs and behaviors of your audience segments, but they can also be used to personalize your marketing messages for each individual. By leveraging the detailed information you collect, your brand can create unique campaigns, tailored product recommendations and timely targeted ads that resonate with customers on a much deeper level.

Both new and existing customers are far more likely to engage with personalized messages and customer experiences from your brand. And with AI’s capacity for instant data collection and analysis, your brand can increase the positive engagement and effectiveness of its content by promoting the correct products based on personal interests and preferences, maximizing customer loyalty and conversion rates in the process.

Automate Your Customer Service with AI-Powered Chatbots

The line between sales and marketing has never been more blurred. The modern customer experience encompasses multiple touchpoints across different channels and representatives of your brand.

For many businesses, the majority of the buyer’s journey now happens online, and customers are increasingly looking for easy, self-serve ways to find the info they need to make an educated purchasing decision. Sometimes that involves speaking with a human representative of your brand, and in other situations, your brand can leverage the convenience of virtual assistants.

AI-powered chatbots are changing the way brands interact with customers. Through natural language processing algorithms, they’re able to instantly answer questions, offer product expertise, provide personalized recommendations and guide customers through the buying process in real-time.

The 24/7 availability enhances customer satisfaction, reduces wait times and enables your brand to scale support efforts without adding (and possibly reducing) significant costs. These virtual agents can point customers in the direction of salespeople if needed, freeing up human service agents for tasks with a higher cost-benefit ratio.

Streamline Your Content Creation Process

Content creation can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process for marketing teams and business owners. There are tons of moving parts — from creating websites and sales landing pages to writing on-brand blog articles and press releases, and pushing out cohesive email newsletters, social media updates and ad campaigns.

AI is pushing the traditional boundaries of what’s possible by speeding up various aspects of the creation process. There are several tools that can greatly help with the heavy lifting of written copy, coding and web design, while DALL-E (another AI model by OpenAI) and Midjourney are able to generate compelling visuals with a single prompt by analyzing existing content and identifying patterns.

Make no mistake. AI isn’t a total replacement for high-quality content that’s engaging, creative and on-brand. It can, however, automate different parts of the production process if you tell it what to do. Just imagine your YouTube videos getting transcribed automatically and published on your blog as an article, or your product descriptions being standardized for your entire eCommerce catalog after you’ve established a template.

The possibilities are endless with streamlined content creation processes, and AI can help brands to reduce their workload by producing more content at a faster pace.

Gain Deeper Insights with Predictive Modeling and Data Analysis

For decades, marketers have collected and analyzed data about customer behavior. Their goal has largely remained the same — to extrapolate patterns and predict which products or services will be the most popular with a certain audience. From that basis, marketers could then identify the channels to reach their target customers.

AI-powered tools are making it easier than ever before to analyze large volumes of data from various sources — using it to identify patterns, forecast future trends and pinpoint opportunities. This provides marketers with a complete, data-backed picture of their audience, which is far more efficient and precise than human observations.

The actionable insights can then be used to guide key decisions across all aspects of your business. Your customer data may analyze previous behavior to inform your sales team on which leads to prioritize based on their likelihood to convert. Or maybe your product development team can determine which products are likely to be a hit with your existing customers. Predictive modeling can also be used to determine which advertising channels are the most profitable, informing decisions around resource allocation.

Staying Flexible in a Constantly Changing Landscape

Marketing is constantly evolving as technology and consumer desires do. In order to stay competitive, brands have to be able to frequently adapt to new tools and trends — and AI is just another example of that.

Many AI tools can automate and streamline routine marketing tasks, freeing up time for you to focus on higher-level strategic tasks. As the technology becomes more and more sophisticated, marketers need to embrace these advancements and leverage them to gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Get in touch with our team at Cultos to learn more about how to bring your customer acquisition, engagement and retention programs to Web3.

